Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen and Kjeldahl Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an important element that can exist in different forms in water and soil in nature. Today we will talk about the concepts of total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen. Total nitrogen (TN) is an indicator commonly used to measure the total amount of all nitrogen substances in water. It includes ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and some other nitrogen substances such as nitrate and nitrate. Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) refers to the combined concentration of ammonia (NH3) and ammonia oxides (NH4+). It is weakly alkaline nitrogen and can be derived from biological and chemical reactions in water. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) refers to the concentration of nitrate (NO3 -). It is strongly acidic nitrogen and the main form of nitrogen. It can be derived from the biological activity of water from ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen in water. Nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) refers to the concentration of nitrite (NO2 -). It is weakly acidic nitrogen and a precursor of nitrate nitrogen, which can be obtained through biological and chemical reactions in water. Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kjeldahl-N) refers to the sum of ammonia oxides (NH4+) and organic nitrogen (Norg). It is an ammonia nitrogen that can be obtained through biological and chemical reactions in water. Nitrogen in water is an important component that can affect the water quality, ecological conditions, and growth and development of aquatic organisms. Therefore, it is very important to monitor and control total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, and Kjeldahl nitrogen in water. The content of total nitrogen is an important indicator for measuring the total amount of nitrogen substances in water. Generally, the total nitrogen content in water should be within a certain range. Too high or too low a content will affect the water quality of the water. In addition, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, and Kjeldahl nitrogen are also important indicators for detecting nitrogen substances in water. Their content should also be within a certain range. Too high or too low a content will affect the water quality of the water. As a nutrient element, nitrogen is input into lakes, and the most direct impact is eutrophication:
1) When lakes are in a natural state, they are basically oligotrophic or mesotrophic. After receiving exogenous nutrient input, the nutrient level of the water body increases, which can promote the development of roots and stems of aquatic vegetation within a certain range, and the nutrient enrichment is not obvious.
2) With the continuous input of nutrients such as nitrogen, the rate of nutrient consumption by aquatic vegetation is lower than the rate of nitrogen increase. The increase in nutrients causes algae to multiply in large numbers, gradually reducing the transparency of the water body, and the development of aquatic vegetation is restricted until it disappears. At this time, the lake changes from a grass-type lake to an algae-type lake, and the lake shows the characteristics of eutrophication.
At present, many countries have strict regulations on the content of nitrogen substances such as total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen in water bodies. If the regulations are violated, it will have a serious impact on the water quality and ecological environment of the water body. Therefore, everyone should pay attention to the monitoring and control of nitrogen substances in water bodies to ensure that the water quality of water bodies meets the national standards.
In summary, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen are important indicators of nitrogen substances in water bodies. Their content is an important indicator of water quality, and monitoring and control are very important. Only through reasonable monitoring and control of nitrogen substances in water bodies can we ensure that the water quality meets the standards and protect the health of the water body.

Post time: Jul-05-2024